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同力重工CEO许亚楠2023年新年致辞 | 2023 New Year's Message from Mr.Yanan Xu

2023-01-03 15:20:18





2023 New Year's Message

from Mr.Yanan Xu, CEO of TONLY



The time sequence changes, the sun rises in the east and everything is auspicious. On behalf of all the Tonly members, I would like to express New Year greetings to you on the occasion of the arrival of the 2023 New Year! We express our sincere wishes to all honorable clients, government leaders, partners, employees and shareholders who have been concerned with TONLY and supported the development of TONLY in a long-term.


Year 2022 is a year of great significance for TONLY. We have accumulated strength in the field of ODT gathered momentum, expanded our way and constantly climbed the new heights!


In 2022, TONLY has been achieve inverse growth, continue to make efforts in the field of ODT and maintain the market position of No. 1 in sales volume among the industry. TONLY products continue to expand their application scenarios in the field of coal, metal mine, aggregate, cement and other bulk materials application site. With the global market holding a capacity of over 40,000 units, one out of every three units of off-road dump trucks in the worldwide was made by TONLY and has a stable market share ranking No.1 among the industry either.


In 2022, TONLY XIPO manufacturing basement has been completed and put into operation. The whole manufacturing-based system will be greatly improved and the core competitiveness of the enterprise will be broken through. TONLY will launch a high-quality off-road dump truck every 12 minutes which will be delivered to every single mining site around the world, and becoming a new manufacturing benchmark with the largest capacity, the highest self production rate and the most advanced heavy equipment basement in the industry.


In 2022, TONLY brand value will shine among the industry, so as many business indicators will lead the industry. One year after listing at the Beijing Stock Exchange, TONLY's stronger internal driving force for development has been highly praised and won the honor of "Top 10 Listed Companies in Beijing Stock Exchange".


In 2022, TONLY's subsidiaries also have many bright spots. TONLY New Energy Intelligent Technology company business started, forming its professional capabilities in R&D, manufacturing and service, its market share will rapidly increase. XI'AN TONLY’s business advantages are constantly highlighted, the scale and specialization are constantly reflected in the value of TONLY's engineering transportation scheme. TONLY MAIN FUNCTION has been established for 4 years, The high-quality transport capacity achieved by the batch of self-driving off-road dump truck in Bai Yin Hua Mine has achieved a new speed in the field of self-driving and the commercial operation has been taken a solid step forward.


In 2022, TONLY strive to develop the overseas market and TONLY path in overseas market been kind of solid and powerful. Clients in nearly 40 countries around the world applied with TONLY  products and we feel extremely proud of it. The TONLY internationalization will be taken a bigger and faster pace, all TONLY members will exploit overseas market with our partners in the long-terms cooperation.


Dear friends, the source of the global ODT is in China and the source of the Chinese ODT is in TONLY and we have rooted the source of development in mine sites. Today’s TONLY has been able to achieve higher goals under the structure of TONLY Stock.


In the year of 2023, which is full of opportunities and challenges, TONLY will hold the vision of "To be the leading supplier of engineering transportation solution and equipment", build a mining community of destiny with our most valued customers and partners, continue to provide clients with high-level product value. TONLY will firmly promote the realization of the strategic goal of "Double Ten billion" on the new track of new energy and intelligent mines, continue to explore and enrich the brand connotation of "professional, responsibility and value of TONLY", strive to building a world-class construction machinery brand.




Mr.Yanan Xu, CEO of TONLY


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